This song, for many years, has been my mantra. I learned the song when I was in high school. It had so much faith and promise for me. There were parts of it that didn’t apply to me. But the refrain does. That means so much to me.
I wasn’t raised on the farm. I was raised in the suburbs of Louisville, Kentucky. My grandmother was raised on the farm though and I related to her in so many ways. When I was 19 I came to the farm for the first time, and fell in love. I didn’t fall in love with my husband then, I fell in love with the farm and the life on the farm. It took me another 19 years to realize that I was in love with the farmer.
That’s who I am, a farmer’s wife. But so much more: mother to 4, grandmother to 6, storyteller. It seems when people ask me what I do I just laugh. I do so many things it’s hard to pin it down.
But a writer I am. I have been a writer my entire life, it just took me about 50 years to figure it out. Now that I have figured it out it seems that I feed off of being able to write. I have an “artsy” side too. Photography helps me bring that out. But if I was alone on a desert island I’m sure I could pass years with just my writing.
I hope you enjoy the glimpses into my life, and my loves. And I hope you come back to visit often.
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