17 Reasons why my heart will always be in Fancy Farm:
17. Deep breaths. You can breathe in western Kentucky. There is nothing but clean air. Yes, you might get a whiff of a chicken house, the hog market or a barn being fired but that just makes it smell that much better.
16. Kittens & Chickens.
Nothing is more fun than to sit and watch kittens playing with each other, unless it is watching a chicken and rooster make the rounds all over the yard to see what they can scratch up.
15. Harvest. Harvest in Fancy Farm is long and dirty and a lot of work. But nothing is better than looking at one of the farmers in our community when it is all done. Satisfaction is written all over their face.
14. KC Fried Chicken. That’s not Kentucky Fried Chicken. That’s chicken fried by the Knights of Columbus 1418. Those men can most certainly fry some of the best chicken you’ll ever put in your mouth.
13. Farm Animals. We love our animals. We love our chickens and our cows and our hogs and our horses. We love our turkeys and guineas and mules and sheep and goats. We especially love our dogs and cats. There are those of us who even love their pot belly pig.
12. Farm Fresh.
11. Stars. In the sky. If it’s not cloudy you can see them all. I seriously have friends who come to see me so that they can just sit outside at night to see the stars in the sky. There are nights I about get a crick in my neck walking from the car to the house because the stars are so bright and look so close that I think I can reach up there and pick one out of the sky.
10. Ponds. Or lakes. Anything on your place or your cousin’s place or your granny’s place. It doesn’t matter if you want to fish or just sit out by the pond.
9. Coconut Pie. Chocolate Pie.
Homemade. Sugar coma to follow.
8. Fresh Cut Hay.
Cutting hay is hot and messy but nothing smells better than the scent of fresh cut hay. It makes you want to open your windows.
7. Open Windows. Whether you open your car windows or sleep with the windows open the experience is the same. It has an “air” of peace. It smells different but it also feels different. And if you sleep with the windows open you have a natural alarm clock.
6. Waves. From people. While you’re driving down the road. Everyone waves to you in the country. It’s the law.
5. Walkers & Runners. Used to you just had the walkers and runners in Fancy Farm getting ready for the Picnic Eve Run or One Mile Classic. But anymore these people are out there pretty much year round. You’d better watch them though. Some of them go faster than most of the farmers driving through town.
4. BBQ.
Yes, Fancy Farm is known for their BBQ. But throughout the year you can find BBQ all around town, mostly in backyards. Sometimes neighbors share.
3. Barns Being Fired.
2. Family & Friends.
If you’re not related to someone in Fancy Farm that means they are a friend of yours. There’s not too many people there that you don’t know. And if you don’t know there’s someone right there who will tell you who their daddy was or who they’re married to or even who their granddaddy was.
1.St. Jerome Catholic Church.
No better place to rest your heart, since 1836.
Ellen Wade
Makes me tear up just knowing how special of a place it is and the fact that I grew up there and have so many family and friends from that era. If it was only on the waterfront and my allergies would allow me to retire there.
Edward Hunt
Hello Fancy Farm. I’m William Edward Hunt known as Edward Hunt at St Jerome’s and I’m one of the many born and raised in Fancy Farm who left young and never came back. I was born, raised and educated by the Sisters of Charity, Nazareth, Ky at St Jerome’s. Back then there was both a grammar school and high school taught by nuns that is no more. I left Fancy Farm the day after I graduated from high school, May 23, 1953. I haven’t called Fancy Farm home since yet I still think of Fancy Farm as my home town. That has faded a lot over the years. My brother Joe of “Fancy Farm Mules” fame told me about this web site. The St Jerome Journal is mailed to me. I hardly recognize anyone mentioned in it. Mostly I look at the “Heaven’s Call” section to see who has passed on. Several members of my small graduating class, 11 girls and 9 boys have made that hit parade. As usual I’m lagging behind, have no plans to die at this time thank you.
For those who might care I live in Riverbank, California. I’ve lived here since 2004 and expect to make my last stand here. This is heavy duty farm country, flat as a pancake and 100 foot thick top soil. I mess around with it but nothing serious. Right now I’m trying to eat all the oranges off one tree and can’t seem to make a dent, at least 500 of them. I have a tangerine tree. It’s insane, 1,000 or more. I give a lot away, This is gold country. I haven’t gone prospecting. We’re getting a lot of rain. That always washes new nuggets out and into the streams for easy panning. The largest deposit of gold in California was found 30 miles east of here. 85% of the gold in them thar hills is still there. Other than that not much happening here. Maybe take trip to Tahoe and see the 165 ft deep snow when the weather clears.
Happy new year everyone. Think about you lovingly real often.