“Passion is fine, but passion burns fast. Passion’s design seems never to last. Better a match, better a blend. Who needs a lover? I need a friend.” Fanny Brice, Funny Lady
Keeping things passionate is hard work. Sometimes it doesn’t seem worth it. Rest assured, it is.
Looking for the love of your life sometimes requires a lot of work. Especially when you think you’ve had the love of your life before and he couldn’t figure it out. Then you add kids to the mix and you’re not just looking for the love of your life anymore but someone who’ll love them as much as you do.
But I’m getting away from what I wanted to say about passion.
When you believe in something to extreme you are passionate about it. And, whatever it is, when you exhaust yourself in doing anything you can to do the best possible. There are those who don’t have as much passion and they tend to look down their nose at your over-zealousness. I can remember being in a meeting in corporate America and I referred to my enthusiasm as passion. The next thing I knew this is the new buzzword all around the company. I wanted to barf because the people who stole my line were only passionate about their careers. They weren’t passionate about our company or our customers. The only passion they had was for themselves.
I have recently learned that with enough passion and enough confidence you can become the person you are supposed to be. It can happen overnight. You don’t even see it happening.
Questions for You:
1. What are you passionate about?