I don’t know when I became a butter snob but that is what I am. As far as I can remember I was indifferent to butter. But at some point in time I made up my mind that I was a butter snob.
I was raised on Blue Bonnet Margarine. That was what my mother bought. I can still see her taking a slab of Blue Bonnet and tearing up a piece of toast trying to spread that right out of the refrigerator. And her toast was always burnt. But of course that’s another story.
It had to have been when I came to the farm. When I came to the farm I cane to realize that Blue Bonnet truly was not butter. That was also around the time that “they” let us know that margarine was really not good for us. I had suspected that all along but because my dad was diabetic we were led to believe that it was healthier than butter. Not that we used much either way.
But when I came to the farm I learned jut how wonderful real butter is. When the supply truck came they had some cheeses and butter on the truck and let me tell you it was the best. I got to where I used it on everything. Now remember, I didn’t cook much so it was only used about two or three times a week. But it was worth it.
A friend of mine keeps her butter out of the fridge so I started doing that. That way you can spread it on anything you want, anytime you want. You can’t do that with Blue Bonnet.
My favorite things with real butter? Grandma used to spread butter on her banana bread. So, that. I learned to make wing sauce by melting butter and adding hot sauce. Nothing is better because you can make it as hot as you want it. Pound cake. Pound cake uses a pound of butter. Toast, with a little cinnamon and sugar or homemade jelly. Jimmy uses butter when he cooks his ribs.
The supply truck doesn’t run anymore but we found that the butter at Sam’s is pretty close. Yes, we buy it in bulk.